
Star Stable Horses

Star Stable Horses Average ratng: 4,3/5 6586 reviews
  • Star Stable Horses: Wild of Jorvik or Magical Horses We have left this issue for the end because it is one of the few that has a wide variety of appearances in the game. These are the so-called magic horses that can only be distinguished by their shape since their physical appearance will depend on the environment where they are.
  • The Horse is the player's constant companion and primary mode of transportation in the Star Stable games. Horses represent the core mechanic of the game, being used for travel, racing, competitions, and more. The players will start off with one of four horses depending on whichever game they are playing.
  • New horses can only be purchased with Star Coins. You do not need to be a Star Rider to buy a horse, but you will need to purchase Star Coins on your own. If you are not a Star Rider, you can use the home stable, but you are not able to change the location of your home stable and you cannot access the wardrobe inside the home stable.
  1. Star Stable Horses Online Game
  2. When Is Star Stable Mobile Coming
  3. Star Stable Horses Apk

Star Stable Star Stable Horses Star Stable Online Starshine Legacy Jorvik. Events; Midsummer; Christmas; Spirit; Winter Village; Fortuna; Rainbow.

Want to learn more about the Horse Generations of Star Stable? Then keep on reading!

Star Stable has been with us since 2011 and throughout the years our technology and optimization has improved. As our processes and designs have changed with newer horses, it means that some older horses will NOT be able to use certain new models of tack that we add to the game. Here you can see exactly which horses are affected.

Here is a breakdown of all the horses in Star Stable, sorted by generation. The generation is determined by how the horse was created (Generation 1 horses were created using a program called Autodesk 3D Studio Max, but now we use Autodesk Maya) and the design standard we strive for! Generation 1 includes the classic versions of horses which now also have updated versions, and the Generation 1.5 and 2 horses will follow with updated versions in the future, too!

Here you see our Starter Horse, the Jorvik Warmblood, through the generations!


Our oldest horse models belong to Generation 1. Due to technical restrictions, we will not be able to offer new styles of tack for these classics.

Chincoteague Pony
Fjord Horse
Friesian Horse
Friesian Sport Horse
Star Stable HorsesStar stable horses app Irish Cob
North Swedish Horse
Here are some of our Generation 1 horses!


The horses based on our previous Starter Horse model belong to Generation 1.5. These horses will not be able to wear new tack since they already have or will get updated versions of their breeds.

Star Stable Horses Online Game

American Paint Horse (2013)
Akhal-Teke (2013)
Appaloosa (2013)
Danish Warmblood
Dutch Warmblood
English Thoroughbred (2013)
Morgan (2013)
Selle Francais
Horses with this look belong to Generation 1.5!


Our Generation 2 horses do not have the same restrictions that our Generation 1 horses have, but will not be able to wear new tack added to the game as we want to give as much attention as possible to our Generation 3 horses. All Generation 2 horses except from Spirit are able to use our updated show jumping saddle.

American Quarter Horse (2015)
American Paint Horse (Updated)
Appaloosa (Updated)
Arabian (Updated)
English Thoroughbred (Updated)
StarStar Stable Horses Friesian Horse (Updated)
Friesian Sport Horse (Updated)
Icelandic Horse
Jorvik Wild Horse (Shire type)
Jorvik Wild Horse (Icelandic type)
Morgan (Updated)
Welsh Pony
Here are some of our Generation 2 friends!


Our Generation 3 horses do not have the technical restrictions that our older models have and they also fit our current art style - which means they can wear all the new tack* added to the game! Hooray!

*Please bear in mind that horses with heavy feathering on their legs can’t wear leg wraps or boots.

Akhal-Teke (Updated)
American Quarter Horse (Updated)
Andalusian (Updated)
Birch & Sakura
Chincoteague Pony (Updated)

When Is Star Stable Mobile Coming

Fjord Horse (Updated)
Irish Cob (Updated)
Jorvik Warmblood
Jorvik Starter Pony
North Swedish Horse (Updated)

Star Stable Horses Apk

Umbra & Ayla
Woodear & Pepita
Zony & Vega
Finally, here are some of our Generation 3 horses!
What’s the difference between a classic and an updated horse?

Our classic horses refer to most horses we released before April 2015. When we call a breed “updated”, it means we’ve revamped our old classic horse to a new version with more realistic proportions and more suitable animations.

How do I know if my horse can use the tack I’m about to purchase?

When purchasing an item, you will see a text listing what horse breeds you own will not be able to use the tack.

Why will you not add more new tack to the Generation 2 horses?

Adding new tack to already existing horses is a long and complicated process. By focusing on giving the new tack to Generation 3 horses, we can add even more new, cool tack of higher quality at a quicker pace!